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What is our target and how do we help?

Josef Novák Foundation

The Josef Novak Foundation was founded in 2016 with the purpose of a complex support of elderly people. The aim is to achieve support that would enhance mainly the health and social conditions of seniors living in the Czech Republic.

  • We honour and respect our seniors, because they have the same rights like every other member of our society.
  • We believe that seniors should not be in the periphery of our society.
  • We support active integration of seniors in the society and their personal development.
  • Seniors have right to dignified health care without having to be in pain and suffer.
  • It is necessary to raise public awareness about aging and dying.
  • Mortality is integral part of our lives and we are not afraid to talk about it.

Chci pomáhat

I want to help

Do you wish to donate a lump sum of money or become a volunteer and participate in our foundation´s activities? Help has no limits and we welcome it in any form and will use it in its whole value.

Pro žadatele o pomoc

I need help

The financial contributions can be requested by non-profit organizations, associations or other contributory organizations. The application must correspond with the main goals and activities of the Josef Novak Foundation.

Seznam dárců

Our donors

We would like to thank all our donors and sponsors, who decided to support the project of the Josef Novak Foundation. We appreciate your kindness and we sincerely hope that together we can fulfil the goal of improving the lives of elderly people.

Ongoing projects

Watch our current projects and help us finish our goals